Frequently Asked Questions:

How safe is my pet's procedure?

Just as in human medicine, the overall safety of any procedure is based on the type of treatment your pet needs. For example, a spay or neuter for a young animal is generally safer than a cancer treatment for a senior animal. Regardless of the type of your pet’s medical needs Animal Care Hospital takes the greatest possible care of your furry family member! Our hospital has the latest technology including digital x-rays, blood work diagnostics, anesthesia, and monitoring before, during and after your pet’s medical event. We also recommend the latest in pain control for the comfort of your pet after any surgical procedure. Contact us today to learn more on how we can take care of your pet’s surgical needs.

How often should my pet have an exam and blood work?

Did you know that each year for the life of an animal is approximately 7 years for humans? Imagine a 7 year-old dog that doesn’t go to the vet for 3 years. This would be the same as a 49 year-old person not going to the doctor for 21 years! At Animal Care Hospital, we recommend yearly exams and blood work as necessary. Taking proper care of your pet during their younger years can mean fewer medications as they age, and may extend the life of your pet. Call one of our veterinary professionals to set up your pet’s yearly appointment today!

Does my pet truly need a dental procedure?

Just like people, our furry family members need dental care for their overall health. Left unchecked, bacteria can grow on our pet’s teeth, causing the teeth to decay prematurely. Some bacteria that grow on the teeth of animals can actually cause damage to their organs including the heart and kidneys. If your pet has bad breath, displays difficulty in eating hard foods, and has browning teeth and reddish gums, it is likely periodontal disease has already started. Animal Care Hospital understands that maintaining your pet’s dental health early can result in better overall health and result in long-term savings by avoiding corrective dental procedures in the future. Contact one of our friendly staff professionals today to set up your pet’s dental appointment!

What should I do if I notice visible parasites on my pet?

Contact Animal Care Hospital right away if you notice visible parasites including fleas, ticks, lice and ear mites on your pet. Our clinic maintains the latest and most effective products for treatment and prevention of parasites that can infect your pet. However, you must remember that you may still need to treat your furry friend’s environment using either a professional pest control agency or an acceptable at-home treatment. Without environmental control, you may continue to see certain parasites until the entire area is treated. Schedule an appointment today for one of our doctors to determine which preventative is right for your pet.

What if my pet has an after-hours problem?

Animal Care Hospital understands that pets don’t always get sick during working hours. To take even greater care of your pet, Dr. Stubbs is on call until 10 p.m. every evening. If your pet needs medical attention after Dr. Butler’s hours, we encourage you to contact the Gulf Coast Veterinary Emergency Hospital at 228-392-7474. No matter when your pet may become ill, they can be seen and cared for day or night!

At what age should I have my pet spayed or neutered?

Our hospital recommends spaying or neutering all dogs and cats between 4 and 6 months of age. While these procedures are considered routine, remember that a spay for our dog or cat is the equivalent of an ovarian hysterectomy in a human. A neuter for our male dogs and cats is a complete removal of the testis. Therefore, our doctors recommend blood work prior to these procedures to minimize the risk that your pet may have an underlying condition. During the surgery, your pet’s blood pressure and heart rate is constantly monitored by one of our veterinary professionals. Pain medications are also a must to keep your pet as comfortable as possible after surgery. Call Animal Care Hospital to schedule your pet’s spay or neuter today!

What are heartworms and how can I prevent my pet from getting them?

Heartworms are extremely common in our area and can infect both our dogs AND our cats. Heartworms are transmitted from mosquitoes as a juvenile worm known as microfilaria. Unless your pet is on a heartworm preventative, the juvenile worm can mature into an adult which can cause serious damage to the animal’s heart, and may even cause death. Remember that a monthly preventative not only keeps your dog or cat healthy, but is less expensive than having to treat adult heartworms. Our doctors can determine which preventative is right for your pet, based on their needs and circumstances. Schedule an appointment for your dog or cat and get them on a heartworm preventative today!

Hospital Hours

Monday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday: Closed


Until 10pm: Call (228) 234-8374
After 10pm: Call (228) 392-7474


406 E. Railroad Street
Long Beach, MS 39560
(228) 868-9479


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